Wednesday, May 06, 2020


At time I wonder if forces on the loose in our country aren't setting us, the American people, for drastic changes yet to come. Changes resulting in a loss of freedom and the destruction of our way of life.

I don't think I am a conspiracy nut, but some things just seem too obvious to ignore ... and the past demonstrates what I mean. Let me illustrate.

It began in the decades of the '70s and '80s. Television programs, and sitcoms in particular, prepared us for a wider acceptance of generally forbidden sexual issues. If you remember, Lucy and Desi -- a married couple -- slept in twin beds. Sexual contact, even in movies, was more implied that expressed. Viewers began seeing changes in programming following the "sexual revolution" of the Vietnam era. While still a bit questionable, couples began living together prior to marriage and sexual issues became increasingly overt. Then sitcoms came along with 'two dads," "Three's Company" (two women and a male), and living together prior to marriage became acceptable. Popular James Bond movies familiarized us with "Pussy Galore" and "Octopussy." Bond was always portrayed as a sexual stud who could bed any woman he wished. With each perversion portrayed on the screen we, the viers, became increasingly hardened and accepting. Today nearly anything goes on the television and movie screens. Nudity is common place. Programs steamed from Amazon Prime, Netflix, HBO and other providers show all but penetration.

During the same period of the '60s and '70s movies and television presented homosexuality and lesbianism as normal traits. Before the end of the century numerous television shows portrayed at least one "gay" character. For young people homosexuality became acceptable and any questioning or negative response was seen as bigoted and intolerant. Media did its job, it made what was formerly unacceptable acceptable. Today's programming constantly throw formerly objectionable attitudes and lifestyles at us with the intent of showing them as normal and acceptable. With few exceptions, television shows must have at least one homosexual, lesbian, or transsexual character. The media places sexual or gender related issues on the same level as racial or religious matters. Take "FBI: Most Wanted" for example. Among the leading characters on the program there is a black lesbian, a Native American (Indian), a Muslim, and a white man married to a deceased Native American raising  a racially mixed child.

Don't misunderstand me, but I don't see people of color as "people of color." I see them as people! l do not relate to my daughter as a Korean Asian. She is my daughter. Whether red, yellow, black or white; all are precious in God's sight.  At the same time, I do not relate to my friends in the Palm Springs Sunup Rotary as gay. They are my friends. However, I do not accept their gayness as an appropriate lifestyle. I do not have to accept their lifestyle or their morality as normal or acceptable. I can accept them without accepting their beliefs, customs, lifestyle or morality.

Just as concerning are the expressions of control portrayed as normal in the media. Do you ever wonder how police or the FBI, as portrayed in the media, seems to have constant surveillance on the public? Watch an NCIS or FBI program and you have to wonder how they can track criminals speeding away so easily. Cell phone GPS apps ... well, okay, but do governmental agencies have the right to track individuals at will? And now, governmental agencies using drones to monitor "social distancing." Can authorities really approach a home and willy nilly smash in the doors and enter? Did they actually do that at the home of Roger Stone? The government officials were armed, but they they smash down the door?

Are we being prepared by such portrayals for that kind of loss of freedom? I don't know. You tell me.

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