Saturday, October 27, 2012


Over the past couple of years I've not paid much attention to this blog. Instead I've been writing for the Restoration Herald, a Restoration Movement publication. In fact, the series in the Herald is a serialized history of the Restoration Movement. I need to get back to that task too but I felt I needed to continue making other observations here.
My life is changing. Not only am I getting older -- 69 now -- but my body is showing wear and tear. I had a heart valve replacement in 2009 and colon cancer surgery in 2011. I decided to make a lifestyle change last December and have focused on retraining my eating habits. To date I've lost 46 pounds with a goal of at least six more. If I make it I'll be at a svelt 210 which is the lower than my high school senior year playing weight.
The focus of the articles to come will be on practical applications of the professed principles of the Restoration Movement. Many young people attending "our" Bible Colleges have no real idea the principles espoused in the movement's past. Fact is, neither do a lot of those who've been around for a while. With all of the bickering, name calling, and suspicions leveled at one another it is a wonder the movement remains as united as it is. Right! There are already three very public divisions: Non-instrumental Churches of Christ, Christian Churches and Churches of Christ (Independent), and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Within the non-instrumental segment there are numerous divisions; some say as many as 27 or more. What goes unnoticed and without acknowledgement, however, are serious fractures within the independent wing of the movement. Even the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) have some hidden divisions as well. Most of the fissures in the independent wing are due to leaders who fail to properly understand the movement's principles. I'll not worry too much about the other wings because they are outside of my own range of fellowship ties.
Since I bexcame a Christian in 1959 I've seen continuing battles over practical issues that have nothing to do with biblical doctrine (viz. the "music wars"), a variety of fusses over baptism, arguments over whether or not the North American Christian Convention should call to the podium speakers from the denominational world, organizational structures, missions, inerrancy, and the list goes on and on. Some of these issues do have doctrinal roots and should be open for discussion. But in the words of that famous theologian Rodney King, "Can't we all get along?"
I'm not sure where my thoughts will take me but you are invited to come along for the ride.

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